Embedding Equity into 988: National Scorecard



Following the release of our policy brief “Embedding Equity into 988,” in June 2022, the Kennedy-Satcher Center for Mental Health Equity (KSCMHE) and Beacon Health Options have partnered to continuously evaluate best practices deployed by states to ensure equity in the implementation of 988 on a quarterly basis. With SAMHSA’s commitment towards equity for 988, this quarterly report is a tool to help states see what others are doing to promote equitable access. Following 988’s go-live, KSCMHE is tracking how equity is approached in public health communications at a state level by scanning 988 websites, implementation plans, marketing materials, and advisory committees for representation of the 988 equity priority groups. KSCMHE is also looking at what non-state, non-profit, or practices can be highlighted as supplemental best practices. States are being scored on how much of the four domains of information they make accessible, and then also scored on how well that information highlights efforts for these equity groups. The aim of this process is to leverage strengths and provide opportunities for state to state knowledge exchange to occur. This process will take time and is iterative and will promote that 988 is a collaborative effort to advance equity.